what to expect

A Mental Performance Trainer provides athletes with a variety of skills and strategies, to help them during a competition or performance. Their teaching emphasizes hands-on, practical knowledge that can be applied to a plethora of situations. Through the use of a Mental Performance Trainer, athletes possess the ability to strengthen many of their existing skills, while also developing new strategies, action plans, and goals.

Our interactive, workshop style program provides athletes with the ability to let go of fear of failure, and to establish a release system, when self-doubt and negative thoughts begin to take over. When an athlete graduates our program, they feel unstoppable, and in control, and they are provided with various tools to aid them in moments of adversity.

Each session is designed to focus on a different topic, such as awareness, control, confidence, mental imagery, fear of failure, self-discovery, performance anxiety, mindset, and so much more.

When an athlete participates in our program, they engage in a variety of exercises and activities, which enables them to master the material. When an individual feels something, rather than just talking, it stays with them forever.

Child Athletes

Being focused on performance and expectation, rather than execution, these athletes can lose the fun in their sport. Our approach provides tools and strategies to help them grow their confidence, and body awareness. When children tend to feel what they do to themselves mentally, it stays with them forever, rather than just talking them through performance struggles. We focus on their ability to push, rather than giving up.

Some of the skills we’ll focus on include:

  • Confidence
  • Body Language
  • Resiliency
  • Positive Self-Talk
  • Mental Skills

Pre-Teen & Teen Athletes

Failure is a difficult obstacle to overcome. As such, we provide tools and strategies to help with performance anxiety, and overcoming adversity, by focusing on their ability to understand perspective and control. At this age, emphasis is placed on working through perfectionism. We will provide them with tools to overcome mental obstacles, as well as fundamental strategie